Wie zijn onze partners: Asolo
In de bergen ben je afhankelijk van je uitrusting, dus wil je alleen het beste. Project 5 Peaks wordt gesteund door verschillende partners. In deze serie willen we ze aan u voorstellen.
Asolo is de naam van een klein Italiaans dorpje. Het ligt in het noorden tegen de bergen aan. De schoenmakers die uit dit dorpje kwamen, waren de grondleggers van een belangrijke Italiaanse bergschoenenfabrikant!
Asolo kenmerkt zich door haar twee kernwaarden: traditie en innovatie. Deze twee lijken elkaar misschien tegen te spreken, maar Ludovica, de woordvoerdster van Asolo, legt het als volgt uit: "De traditie als schoenmakers is ons begin, onze wortels, onze oorsprong; het identificeert ons en vertelt de wereld waar we vandaan komen. Innovatie is wat ons altijd drijft om te blijven onderzoeken, studeren en de uitdaging aan te gaan om jullie emoties te verbeteren tijdens outdoor activiteiten."
The original shoemakers of Asolo
In het hele interview dat ik op afstand heb met Ludovica valt de emotie op. Meerdere malen benadrukt ze de passie die zij hebben als schoenmakers, maar ook de passie van de gebruiker wordt belicht. Het is typerend voor de Italianen.
Het hoofdkwartier staat ondertussen niet meer in Asolo zelf. Ludovica, de woordvoerdster van het bedrijf legt uit: "Asolo's hoofdkantoor bevindt zich in Nervesa della Battaglia, Treviso, Italie. Het hoofdkwartier van het bedrijf telt 67 medewerkers." Ook hun distributiecenrum bevindt zich in dat Italiaans dorp, niet ver van Asolo vandaan. Hun fabriek is tegenwoordig in Roemenie gelokaliseerd. "Onze hoofd productiefaciliteit is gesitueerd in Sibiu, Roemenie en wordt direct gemanaged door de familie. Er werken 330 medewerkers en er worden 1.450 paar schoenen per dag gefabriceerd.
Interessant is dat het bedrijf ook een Amerikaanse vestiging heeft en van plan is een Duitse te openen. Op die manier kunnen ze gerichter een bepaalde markt bedienen.
“The innovation is what makes us never stop our research, our studies, our challenge for improving your emotions during outdoor activities.”
Asolo onderscheidt zich in de ontwikkeling van hun producten. Ze hebben zelf een volledige Research en Development afdeling. "De Asolo technologie, ontwerp en productieproces is 100% in handen van Asolo. Van het Research & Development team tot de prototypes, van de materiaalselectie tot de productielijn. Alles wordt beheerd, gemonitord en gecontrolleerd direct door het bedrijf. Dit is de garantie voor een hoge productiekwaliteit."
Als laatste vraag ik haar waarom zij juist ons project wilde steunen. Hierop krijg ik een antwoord dat weer bol staat van de emotie en de superlatieven. Als nuchtere Hollander komt het heftig over, maar het is veelzeggend over hoe de Italianen hun passie voor de bergen beleven!
Luca, de huidige directeur, geeft als reden om P5P te steunen: "deze vier bergliefhebbers vertegenwoordigen het beste voorbeeld van wat een passie is", "Guido, Allert, Arjen en Gijs zijn geen atleten, maar zijn mensen met een diepe passie, een diepe liefde in hun hart: de berg." Asolo wil graag deel uitmaken van het Project, omdat ze ons willen bijstaan in onze "moeilijke en gelukkigste momenten". Waarvoor onze grote dank!
Lees hiernaast het hele interview (in het Engels)!
In the mountains you have to rely on your gear, so you want the best. Project 5 Peaks is supported by multiple partners. In a series of articles we'd like to introduce them to you.
What is Asolo all about?
Asolo is a family company which has gained an important worldwide position during the years thanks to its values. Our commitment is to find the perfect tuning between tradition and innovation. The tradition as shoe makers is our start, our roots, our origin; the tradition is what identifies us and tells the world where we come from. The innovation is what makes us never stop our research, our studies, our challenge for improving your emotions during outdoor activities.
These two keywords are the reason of our journey into the outdoor world, a journey filled of passion which will never end.
What does the company look like?
Asolo headquarter offices are based in Nervesa della Battaglia, Treviso, Italy.
The Asolo general headquarter counts 67 employees. It’s a completely efficient and well structured building which allows the various departments, from the general management to the customer service, from the design department to the production, to operate internationally and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers and partners all over the world.
Moreover, Asolo owns a logistic structure since 1998, based in Nervesa della Battalia which is propriety of the family. From there direct shipments cover all the world wide transaction with deliveries to all our subsidiaries and distributors.
Our main production facility is based in Sibiu, Romania, which is directly managed by the family, and there are 330 employees and it produces 1.450 pairs of shoes per day.
Asolo has its American subsidiary which was opened in 1999 located in Lebanon (New Hempshire) that provides the distribution of Asolo products for the entire American market.
From this year, Asolo decided to also move directly in the German market opening its own subsidiary in Munich.
Marco and Luca who represent the third generation of shoes makers and owners of Asolo together with the sister Anna.
What makes Asolo unique and different from other shoe manufactures?
What makes Asolo unique are four main concepts: fit, innovation, quality and service, and the made in.
The company’s product philosophy has been to develop advanced products with new applied technologies, concepts and design. For this reason, Asolos priority is to create products which respect the structure of the foot and satisfy the needs of the consumer and increase the level of comfort of the product. To achieve this goal the collection is developed using 16 different lasts, and each of them has a specific morphological characteristics studied according to the type of footwear and use.
Asolo has always been dedicated to innovation and to extend the great art of footwear, through innovation. Asolo is dedicated to producing footwear with the maximum wearing comfort and lightness. The study of ergonomic fit, new technologies and the use of modern materials, has contributed to the evolution of Asolo outdoor footwear over the years. However, the Asolo brand remains a “self of quality” in this continual evolution.
Asolo is dedicated to design, manufacture and assemble the best outdoor footwear in the world. Today, more than ever, the quality and workmanship remain the keywords in all Asolo production. The Asolo technology, aesthetics, and production process is 100% owned by Asolo. From the R&D team, to prototyping, from the selection of materials to the production line, everything is managed, monitored and controlled directly by the company and is the guarantee of a high production quality. To add service to its reputation, Asolo has a distribution network of approximately 6,000 retail shops that represent the brand in more than 40 countries. Asolo back all this with the finest after-sales service that exists anywhere.
Why are you supporting Project 5 Peaks?
A new project, a new challenge is ready to start. The four Dutch guys are ready to start a new journey which is going to bring them to the five highest peaks of Central-Asia, but deeper this adventure is going to bring them to push their limits, to push their emotions, to push their passion for the mountain.
Asolo decided to support these four mountain lovers because they represent the greatest example of what a passion is and what the mountains are.
Guido, Allert, Arjen, and Gijs are not athletes, but they are people with a deep passion, a deep love inside their heart: the mountain. This love demonstrates that if you follow your instinct, if you follow your feeling and if you follow the rumours of your heart, you will achieve whatever goal you have in mind. With this new challenge they give a different meaning to the word mountain, in fact, it represents the concept that whoever you are and whatever you do the mountain is ready to welcome you for your journey which is a journey that yes, it depicts a challenge of climbing the five highest peaks, but also it symbolizes a travel into their soul.
Asolo know that sometimes when you are climbing, hiking or backpacking it happens that you have the temptation to give up, there will be moments in which you’ll not feel comfortable out there and for this reason we decided to support this project because we would like to accompany these four Dutch guys into their adventure in the hardest and happiest moments by giving them all the support we can.